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Charles Avocado VanGogh, the three-legged corgi

Charles' story is long, but inspiring!

Archive for November, 2020

November 2020

with 3 comments

Another trip around the sun

Tomorrow we celebrate Charles’s 9th trip around the sun. It is difficult to believe that we’ve come this far. While 2020 has been full of ups and downs (mostly downs), we are looking forward to a reason to celebrate. We celebrate because every birthday, heck, even every day is a big deal for this guy. We are closing in on five years since his liver failure diagnosis and have surpassed the two year anniversary of Charles becoming a tripawd.

Charles, a three-legged tripawd corgi wearing a blue harness and a rainbow plaid bandana, laying on the ground upon some fall leaves, smiling

Charles enjoying a perfect fall day at Pike’s Peak State Park in NE Iowa

In a year full of uncertainty, Charles has had a great year as far as health is concerned. His liver values remain mostly and/or nearly within a normal range, we have his allergies under control, and he hasn’t had any issues with his ears since moving to Illinois. It is unreal what this little dude is capable of, even after almost nine years on this earth.

Charles, a three-legged sable pembroke welsh corgi wearing a blue life jacket, jumps into a pool

Charles got an opportunity to go for a swim this summer in our neighbors’ above-ground pool. He loves jumping in the water!

With my social calendar screeching to a halt this year, there is no doubt I would be lost without Charles. He has been my rock and a lot of times one of the only reasons worth getting out of bed in the day. Charles gives me purpose and I am so blessed to be his mama. Here’s to nine years, Charles. May we have many more years together. I love you, buddy.

Charles, a three-legged sable pembroke welsh corgi, laying on the soil within rows of corn

Charles came to the research farm with me a couple of times this summer. He was a great “helper.”

Written by corgiburrito

November 23rd, 2020 at 10:23 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Charles Avocado VanGogh, the three-legged corgi is brought to you by Tripawds.