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Charles Avocado VanGogh, the three-legged corgi

Charles' story is long, but inspiring!

Another trip to the veterinarian…

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It seems to never end…

We went for yet another vet visit today. However, this was unrelated to the lost limb. Charles has been weened off of several medications he was previously on for his paw, and now his allergies seemed to be out of control. My poor buddy is so itchy. He has had to remain in his e-collar because when he is not in it, he is gnawing on his paws. Charles has even been waking me up consistently around 4:00 a.m. in the morning because he is so itchy. The first couple of times he did this, he would go outside and stop to gnaw on his feet ever few steps. It was heart-wrenching to watch this behviour.

So we made it back to dermatology today and they offered a new solution: an injection of monoclonal antibodies that bind to one of the proteins in the biosynthetic pathway responsible for the itch response. Let me tell you, this stuff is amazing. We are already able to hang out sans e-collar and it’s only been a few hours.

Additionally, the doctors found some bacteria and yeast on his skin and feet, so we are doing a bath every other day with special shampoo and using other topical treatments on the other days. It is going to be an interesting month until we go back for Charles’ re-check!

In the meantime, you can enjoy this video I made of Charles! He recently gained a mild amount of fame by being featured in a Try Guys (formerly of Buzzfeed) video. This is the result from this series. 🙂



Written by corgiburrito

October 3rd, 2018 at 10:54 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

One Response to 'Another trip to the veterinarian…'

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  1. Oh Charles! I’m so glad your itchy feet are feeling better. I wonder if the itchiness is caused by your heart’s desire to run run run and have fun on 3?!

    Keep on hoppin my friend. The video is PAWESOME! We’ve added it to our playlist.


    4 Oct 18 at 8:59 pm

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Charles Avocado VanGogh, the three-legged corgi is brought to you by Tripawds.